Bridging the Gap at Raiinmaker: JD Seraphine on Entertainment & Technology for a Decentralization

October 3, 2024

In this episode of Edge of NFT, JD Seraphine provides insight into Raiinmaker's use of AI technology, emphasizing the importance of user involvement in training AI models while highlighting the challenges of compliance with regulations. Richard Carthon dives into discussions about the future roadmap of Rainmaker, touching upon its ecosystem's synergy and the upcoming launch of Rainmaker's native token.

This episode is Brought to you by Request Finance, Castmagic and Unstoppable Domains and sponsored by Raiinmaker.

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Key Topics Covered:

  • KYC Compliance and User Data Ownership: JD Seraphine discusses the importance of Know Your Customer (KYC) checks and the necessity of complying with regulations, while highlighting the concept of user ownership of data in the digital world and the emphasis on GDPR compliance and the destruction of personal data after verification.

  • Utilization of AI in Rainmaker: The discussion focuses on the role of users in training AI models within Rainmaker, such as generating art, labeling data, and participating in quests, emphasizing the user's contribution to the ecosystem and the synergy of rewarding users for participating and helping to train AI datasets.

  • Future Roadmap of Rainmaker: Richard Carthon asks JD Seraphine for insights into the future roadmap of Rainmaker, including the launch of the native token Coin, the expansion of AI models for users to train, upcoming public sales, the mainnet launch, and the application layer for enterprises building on the network.

What was your favorite quote or lesson from this episode? Please let us know in the comments on YouTube.

Episode Highlights:

  • JD Seraphin: "We remain drivers, steering the development of the technologies most proximate to us. Human consciousness remains the critical mass, the influence and engine of AI, yet only trains while being trained by the ecosystem." [Timestamp: 23:45] 
  • JD Seraphin: "The combination of AI, crypto, and web 3.0 technologies have the potential to emancipate human potential on a level playing field, safeguarding sovereignty of individual data." [Timestamp: 29:15] 
  • JD Seraphin: "The transition I made from the entertainment world to the crypto landscape, it's just – you just feel a fraternity here, a commitment to… changing the world." [Timestamp: 49:30] 

For the full transcript, see further below. 

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About Our Guest:


Bio: J.D. Seraphine founded Vision Tree with the sole purpose of transforming our culture and changing the world for the better through Media and Technology.

With over 16 Years experience in the entertainment industry, he started in television working in production on the hit show 24 and went on to finance and produce a number of projects: including Hesher, starring Natalie Portman and Joseph Gordon Levitt, the viral documentary sensation Sirius, and the Tony-nominated hit Broadway Play, Rock of Ages.

J.D. directed the groundbreaking documentary series, Open Source Money, about the rise of Disney-incubated blockchain company, Dragonchain, and the global evolution of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. The series premiered on Discovery Science Channel on the 4th of July 2020 and reached 1 million viewers in the U.S.

He co-founded Raiinmaker, one the fastest growing Web 3.0 powered apps designed for the social creator economy.

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Full Episode Transcript:

JD Seraphine [00:00:00]:

Hi, guys. This is JD Seraphin of Rainmaker, the innovation hub where web 3 and AI technology merges to transform how we interact with the digital world. You're tuned in to the Edge of NFT, our compass in the ever evolving world of web 3 and AI. Keep listening.

Richard Carthon [00:00:17]:

Hey, web 3 curious listeners. Stay tuned for today's episode to learn why today's guest utilizes decentralized physical infrastructure network, Deepen, to provide anyone the ability to create a node by using both AI and blockchain, and what critical components should be included in global AI regulations to ensure both innovation and user privacy are maintained. Finally, how a $25,000 donation helped change several lives in Africa. It's time to cue the intro.

Intro [00:00:44]:

Welcome to the Edge of NFT, the podcast that brings you the top NFT% of web 3 today and what will stand the test of time. We explore the nuts and bolts of the business side and also the human element about web 3 is changing the way we interact with the things we love. This podcast is for the dreamers, disruptors, and doers who are pumped about this ecosystem and driving where it goes next.

Richard Carthon [00:01:10]:

Welcome to the Edge of NFT, the podcast created by Jeff Kelly, Ethan NFT, and Josh Kriger, featuring a variety of top notch guests and other hosts like myself, Richard Carthon. It's another production of Edge of Company, a quick growing media ecosystem empowering the pioneers of web 3 tech and culture and responsible for other groundbreaking endeavors like the Outer Edge LA Innovation Festival. Today's sponsored episode features JD Sarafin, who is an entertainment industry veteran with over 16 years of experience and the founder of Vision Tree and Rainmaker. Known for pioneering crowdfunding and influencer marketing through his collaborations with top brands, celebrities such as Star Wars, Disney, Marvel, Leonardo DiCaprio, and more. Those who join us at the curiosity circus at NFT n t l a community week would be familiar with Rainmaker. But for those who don't know, Rainmaker is a pioneering web 3 technology company that focuses on democratizing data creation and collection through AI, web 3 technologies, and decentralized physical infrastructure networks, Deepen for short. With offerings like coin network protocol, Rainmaker mobile app, and FanQuest, it aims for mass adoption in sports, gaming, and entertainment. And also full disclosure, I'm a personal investor in Rainmaker.

Richard Carthon [00:02:17]:

Let's get into the convo. How are you doing today, JD?

JD Seraphine [00:02:21]:

I'm good, Richard. How are you, buddy?

Richard Carthon [00:02:23]:

I'm doing great, man. At the time of this recording, there has been a solar eclipse and I'm in Austin and I gotta go see that, which was super cool. Although it was gray and I thought about starting to start raining, we got to see it. So I'm pretty pumped that I got to experience that.

JD Seraphine [00:02:39]:

That's beautiful. Yeah. We just had a partial here in LA, but as I said to you, pre precall, you know, at least the world didn't end. So we're all still here. We're still chugging. The earth still turns. So

Richard Carthon [00:02:51]:

Earth's turning. The Wi Fi didn't turn off, and it's not an apocalypse. So it's a good day. But even better, yeah. And even more so that we get to learn about everything going on with you and AI. And you know, you have a very interesting journey. You started in the entertainment industry and you somehow found your way into web 3. And, when we first started talking, I was very interested in that background and the story of how you kinda went from entertainment into web 3.

Richard Carthon [00:03:21]:

Can you kinda tell us a little bit more about that?

JD Seraphine [00:03:23]:

Yeah. So NFT spent most of my career in the entertainment industry, financing independent projects, working as a creative producer, and wearing a lot of different hats. About 7 years ago now, my partner and I own a media company called Vision Tree, which is still very active in, producing and financing feature film, scripted television, and unscripted content as well. We did a doc series called open source money. It was actually the first doc series 100% funded with crypto that premiered on cable television, and that happened, in the US AI of NFT, right during the pandemic. And it ties into Rainmaker's origin story. So I actually flipped back to that. But what brought me into space is, you know, our biggest project is a project called Atari, which NFL has the rights to do Nolan Bushnell's official biopic.

JD Seraphine [00:04:15]:

So Nolan Bushnell was the founder of Atari and one of the godfathers of the whole digital technology revolution. So he had Steve Jobs and Wozniak working for him at the Atari factory. They got the first parts for the first Apple Computers from Atari. Really just Nolan's an amazing pioneer. He kinda represents to me Ethan archetype AI the renegade entrepreneur, which a lot of us now in this space, I feel like are all expressing that in our own ways as humans. But that's a project that actually brought me into this space. We acquired it from Paramount in 2016, and I was looking for an innovative way, like we've done in other phases of our, you know, career of taking technology and new tools to engage the 3,000,000,000 gamers around the world, with that project. And so right around that time was the ICO boom, things taking off.

JD Seraphine [00:05:04]:

I had had some exposure to Bitcoin early days and being in LA, in the West AI around people like Brock Pierce and some of the early crypto OGs, I was lucky to at least kinda have some NFT, connections to that world, but really hadn't immersed myself fully until NFT going into 2017. We started exploring how we can utilize this technology to build a system that would transform the way that those fans or that community would engage with the project. And from that, exploration, Rainmaker was born. We started out first building a social creator platform focused on how we could quantify the value of each user's contribution on social media with their organic word-of-mouth, marketing. So taking the stuff that people are passionate about, you know, passionate about Star Wars, you're passionate about, the Dallas Cowboys or whatever that thing is you're passionate about. You're constantly talking about it. And a lot of times on social media, you're creating all this value for those franchises. But as a fan, you're not really getting anything in return for that.

JD Seraphine [00:06:04]:

NFT that you're doing it with that expectation, but it's this vision, this idea that if you begin to get more value in return, it creates this flywheel effect. Where now you're having a deeper incentive, a deeper relationship, a deeper connection to that thing that you're passionate about. So we built Rainmaker's first product, you know, the the mobile app that we launched first in beta in July of 2020, with it was actually to help support the promotion of that documentary series I mentioned, Open Source Money. So that was fully funded with crypto. It was actually Ethan's story following, my CTO specifically, who basically has been at war with the SEC since 20 . I think it was NFT. Like a lot of the industry, if you did an ICO in anytime after July of 2017, the SEC came and knocked on your door and and said, hey. We wanna have a conversation which turned into, you know, 1,000 or 1,000,000 of dollars in legal bills. And a lot of times they just would go away or they'd settle, you know, various outcomes.

JD Seraphine [00:06:57]:

But we documented what Joe went through because, you know, someone who was I was already working with Joe on multiple things. I was very passionate about, like, what they're doing with these entrepreneurs in America that are honestly, like, good, honest, people. They're just trying to innovate and build technology, and there's no clear guidelines or rules. And the SEC is using, you know, regulations and guidance that was created in the 19 thirties to try to regulate, you know, technology in the 21st century that's moving at, you know, breakneck speed. It's just there's there's a big disconnect between what's happening there, you know, and how they're trying to approach it, which I think has a lot more to do with power and politics and a lot of other things that has to do with actually what's best for America or innovation in America. And so I was very passionate about that. And as a filmmaker who's done, you know, produced and directed documentary stuff in the past, I saw it as an opportunity to step up and do my part and tell some story. And so we did that doc series.

JD Seraphine [00:07:51]:

We will be on Of, Science Channel in July of 2020. Rainmaker app was used to help drive the performance of that doc series in the market. It went really well. It was, like, top 50 in the ratings through its whole run. The community that was passionate around that story getting out was really instrumental in, like, giving doing that additional, you know, word-of-mouth, AI, earned media, you know, on social that was really driving that extra that extra bit of performance above what we should have achieved as just AI a an independently funded doc series. So flash forward, you know, we AI some stuff with the product. We're also AI, you know, innovator, every technology company. We were like, what can we do to level it up? So we went back into development.

JD Seraphine [00:08:29]:

On July 21, we launched the public version of the Rainmaker app. Again, focused on that social creator, economy, and how do we quantify through an algorithm we developed called proof of influence that individual contribution the user is making on social. Had some decent traction with the app. We actually launched it with an event called Global Field Day, where we had athletes, celebrities, and NFT, basically do a physical activation at the Denver Broncos Stadium. We had 50 kids from the boys and girls club. They got to show up to the stadium. They basically had, like, the, you know, an amazing day. I don't wanna say it was the best day in their life.

JD Seraphine [00:09:03]:

It was like they had an amazing experience where they got brought to the stadium in limos. They had their names on the lockers. They had all these Broncos players and, you know, former and current, and, we were you know, it was just a really amazing experience. We chose to launch Rainmaker in that way because, you know, as me personally and our company is committed to, you know, impact. That's something that's part of the DNA of who I am and who the company is and and something that drives, you know, everything we're doing. So we launched the creator, the public version of platform NFT. You know, we found some stuff we liked and some stuff we didn't. But that's kind of the journey of how I got from entertainment into, you know, into the crazy crypto landscape. And I think the one thing I would add is when I came into this space, I immediately felt like this was my community more than entertainment ever did, weirdly enough.

JD Seraphine [00:09:48]:

And I was in that industry for a number of years. And I think part of it was the people that I was, you know, naturally, like, attracting or connecting with or gravitating towards also seem to share a commitment that there's a unique opportunity to make a huge difference in the world and empower humanity at this crucial moment. So I think coming into the space and meeting other like minded people that share that sentiment or that passion, really made it, like, just super to me, it was AI a no brainer. Like, this is where I'm supposed to be. This is where I'm supposed to be focusing and putting my time and energy.

Richard Carthon [00:10:19]:

For sure. And, thanks for the background. And, again, a very unique path to to getting here, but also use cases of how do we take something we're doing in real life with something that we're doing virtually to drive adoption, to drive engagement, to also show, like, hey, here's this concept and here's how we're directly showing that this can can work simultaneously together and then adapt and go from there. So one of the things that makes Rainmaker unique is an emphasis on, decentralized physical infrastructure network. So deep end for short. And it's also a term that, like, a lot of people in space might not be as familiar with. So can you kind of explain this concept and how is it being applied to Rainmaker?

JD Seraphine [00:11:02]:

Yeah. So the kinda to finish the product journey or the company journey will actually tie perfectly into, you know, how we got into NFT building our own network protocol Carthon then the actual nodes or the infrastructure that now is running that, you know, running that network. And so, about 2 years ago, I approached my CTO, who I mentioned earlier, who's a former Disney. He built Disney's private blockchain in NFT 15. He went on to build Dragon Chain, which is another protocol, that was you know, had its run-in NFT and 18, and he's an early AI. He patented a bunch of amazing innovations because he was just here very early. So I went to Joe and said, look, There's a vision we have, you know, my partner and I, for building a network that takes the architecture and looks at the individual user, puts them as the focus at the center of the architecture and saying, what is the unique value that's being created, connected to their decentralized digital identity slash reputation, their behavior slash data, and plugging that into, what are now AI powered smart contracts. And so Joe's one of Joe's innovations that he's patented already and done that we've taken and and, rolled out with Rainmaker Network Protocol, but in a whole new way is this idea that smart contracts can be coded in languages other than Solidity and Rust.

JD Seraphine [00:12:18]:

So the ability to code smart contracts and other, coding languages that developers have already been, you know, writing code in for a number of years makes it much easier to scale, much easier to find developer talent to build on the network, as well as it's easier for us to integrate with legacy, web 2 infrastructure. So for these larger mass adoption use cases that we're focused on with Rainmaker Network Protocol, which is, again, sports, gaming, entertainment, the creator economy, these places where, you know, tens of millions, 100 of millions, billions of people are looking to, you know, find that those on ramps into web 3 and into decentralized AI. How do we build products that allow them to do that without needing to be technically, you know, without needing to be technical experts or have, you know, that blockchain or crypto native, capability. And I think that's been the friction point that's kept, you know, more people from entering the space as we've gone through these last couple of bull AI, and now we're coming into one right now is, you know, how do we build products that anybody can use? That grandma can use it, but it gives the ability to use AI on infrastructure that is fully powered by all of the promise of what, you know, blockchain and web 3 and decentralized AI can do. So we started building the Rainmaker network protocol about 2 years ago, NFT, focused on that unique architectural approach. One of the unique capabilities of features in the network is the validator layer. So there's basically a federated hybrid blockchain, and I don't wanna go super deep on the technical. But one of the layers of the network, which is per which is responsible for the finalization of consensus and for where those validators are running, It's it's basically, we built it so that anybody can run a validator node on the network, whether that's on a desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

JD Seraphine [00:14:00]:

So currently, there's a 150,000 nodes that are running in test net across, you know, either mobile devices, smartphones, which is running through the Rainmaker, application, or through, the you know, Rainmaker Networks, desktop validator console or dashboard, which is currently coin dot AI is the is the URL where that lives. Users can go right to NFT. They can go on to coin dot ai. They can create an account. It's super easy. You can download the validator software. It runs on your computer, you can deploy it on your computer, register your public Kelley, and it's actually, like it's about as intuitive and simple of the process as I've seen to to set up and run a validator node on the network. So that's happened on the desktop side, and laptop side.

JD Seraphine [00:14:42]:

On the mobile side, the user logs into the Rainmaker mobile app, and they sign up, that they and they sign up in terms of use. If they wanna be a validator, it deploys that code on their smartphone device. So now once this is running, imagine we have all these devices on the network that are essentially there. We can leverage all of those nodes, all of that decentralized physical infrastructure. So all of the GPU and edge computing capability of these devices are available to be provisioned, you know, by applications running on the Rainmaker network. And so when people talk about decentralized physical infrastructure networks, it's this idea that, you know, the more robust versions of that are things like IONet and NFT and things where, like, they're looking at heavier, you know, a decentralized AI computation. You know, the ability to do large scale, rendering tasks across a distributed network of AI, which is NFT, there's some of that that we can do and we may play with. But I have my eye on a more lightweight side of the AI landscape in terms of how we're attacking this and where we see our unique place in it and what our network is really built to do well.

JD Seraphine [00:15:46]:

But that's when you talk about Deepen, you know, that's what's running in terms of rain Rainmaker network protocols, you know, Deepen enabled network. The next version of the nose right now that's going live and the NFT a little bit of road map stuff in the NFT, call it, 60 days, will have that full decentralized, parallelized AI computation that's running across the network. Right now in the Testnet, it's more of what you would think of a traditional blockchain, you know, verification of data, finalization of transactions and NFT. And then another interesting feature of the network is users are actually not the validators are not only AI blocks, but then the network is notarizing the proof of those blocks, a hash onto another public network. In this case, Bitcoin, Ethereum, BNB Chain, and we just are adding base right now as another network that we're leveraging. And so imagine with a hash on the Bitcoin network, what we're doing there is we're inheriting all the security of the Bitcoin network into Rainmaker's network protocol. So what it allows us to do is Rainmaker's network protocol, that decentralized physical infrastructure network and all the nodes running on it is able to be super fast, super scalable, very modular, very flexible, and still have the security and hash power of the Bitcoin network behind it. And so a simple example would be, you know, Richard logs into the Rainmaker app.

JD Seraphine [00:17:03]:

He generates some AI art. He trains an AM stable diffusion model in the app, which is one of the things that's happening in the app right now. And then all of those actions are being written on chain with your own cryptographic Kelley. And that's the AI of the first layer of how our decentralized physical infrastructure network is securing the data of your actions, your behavior on a chain with your own keys. Radically decentralized. Very different from what most, like, EBM chains and other chains are doing because we're focused on solving a very different problem at a very different scale. And then imagine rolling all the way up through first those smart contract layers, which we call the NFT application layer, and then finally, validators notarizing it on Bitcoin. So what you have is an unbroken string of trust from Richard did this action that is immutable, that was signed with his own keys, all the way to the hash that has proof that these set of actions, you know, not only Richard, but, you know, thousands or millions of other users was verified by smart contract computations that then, you know, basically passed it up to validators for final notarization.

JD Seraphine [00:18:04]:

So that's kind of a high level on the network, how we see Deepen as it relates to us. And, like I said, a little more of a lightweight version than some of the other decentralized, you know, AI projects out there, and a little bit on our protocol at the same time mixed in there for you.

Richard Carthon [00:18:19]:

Yeah. I I I think you were able to elaborate on a very complex thing, very simply. Yes. People listening took some time to get there, but to, like, really get into the weeds of this could take anywhere from, like, 20 to 30 minutes to, like, really break all this down. So, like, again, to, like, re break this down, Rainmaker at work protocol, utilizes deep end, which then allows people on their, you know, desktop, laptop, phones to be able to access it, to set up a node. And then through all of the nodes that are running, you now are able to then prove that back onto, a hash if you need to, whether that's on Bitcoin, etcetera. So you're getting both security and you're also validating and also getting other like datasets out there. And there's a lot of other use cases that we can get into.

Richard Carthon [00:19:06]:

But with all of that running on, usually you have some sort of token to apply with it to show some of the different utilities. And so you're actually in the process of launching, your native token, which is coin, c o I I n. So, like, what role does that play within the Rainmaker ecosystem?

JD Seraphine [00:19:26]:

Yeah. I think one last thought on the validator side and something that is important, which I kinda touched on, but I wanna make it super clear for your audience, is we engineered this so anybody in the world could be a validator on our network. We didn't want it to be something that you know, obviously, the people who stake the most coin, it's coming to AI a little bit into your question you just asked. The people who stake the most coin are gonna earn the most as validators, because the value they're providing to the network and to the ecosystem, they should be, you know, rewarded more heavily for that. But we wanted it so that anybody in the plane with a smartphone could basically join this network and earn, you know, some amount of crypto or some amount of coin that would help to improve their lives and bring them into this decentralized AI and web 3 global digital economy. So that's something that I wanna make super clear. Anybody can do this. You can download the Rainmaker app today.

JD Seraphine [00:20:14]:

It's already live on iOS and Google Play. You can go to coin dot AI and sign up and deploy a validator. It's super easy. In terms of the coin token, again, looking at what are some of those traditional utilities that you that a that a network infrastructure token has, whether it's, to power, you know, the provisioning of smart contracts and the accessing of dedicated and custom AI models by enterprises that are building on the network, which is happening as we speak, the token itself to have utility inside of those applications. So Rainmaker being the first the application being the first where users are able to take their coin, use it to purchase more credits, which allows them to, actually continue to participate in this quest where, like, right NFT, there's we just ended one yesterday where there was, like, $1,000 Bitcoin. We just announced NFT, today that has 25,000 Doge where we're rewarding users for generating Elon Musk Carthon and then using that to train a stable diffusion model and then tagging Elon on x or whatever. So trying to keep it, like, fun and light and cool, but there's actually 25,000 real Doge, you know, in the app right now that users can generate art and train AI to mine their portion of. So to be able to participate in those quests, they're using credits that they can either pay for in US dollars on, you know, your typical app app store subscriptions, or they can actually use coins to top up those credits.

JD Seraphine [00:21:29]:

So that's just a simple example of that in app utility, that we see on the application layer for enterprises building on the network. We do have a couple games in development. We have, you know, an engagement platform called Fan Quest, which we haven't publicly announced in detail, but there were some big announcements coming in, for that in the coming weeks. So that and NFT, that base level utility of rewarding validators, rewarding stakers, rewarding validators who burn, so there's actually a substantial multiplier that's added to a node that burns tokens on the network. So we're heavily incentivizing those validators to come in who wanna compete for a greater portion of mining rewards, which are distributed every NFT and a half days, mapped to the lunar cycle coming back to our eclipse opening here, that they can actually earn a greater, percentage or a greater, you know, portion of those mining rewards by burning, by staking, by, you know, following all those those normal utilities. And I think we see the, you know, the hope is that the utility for the token, you know, grows naturally over time as more enterprises build on the network and as more products are able to leverage, you know, coin itself. And it's funny that the double AI people look at it and they're AI, coin? Like, they kinda say it a little weird and it may look a little weird to people, but, you know, the one of the original units of value that humans use to exchange value was just a coin. Like, if you go back in human history in the Roman times and, you know, even earlier, AI, the coin is really one of those early, you know, units of value that was used.

JD Seraphine [00:22:59]:

And I think one of the primary things that blockchain has sought to revolutionize, you know, from the early days is how value is created and how value is distributed. And so for me, like, that's someone who's had the luxury of talking to a lot of people smarter than me, you know, as a documentary filmmaker, as an entrepreneur. That was the thing that always AI has risen to the surface in terms of, you know, what is the you know, people ask, like, what is this really about? Like, is this all, you know, this funny money bullshit or, like, is there anything that really backs Bitcoin? Like, even stuff like that to me that for those of us that understand it seems AI insane that someone would ask, but it's about explain I always start by explaining to people, look, In a digital world, you know, especially now with AI, I think people are really AI it's kinda opening their eyes more. They're like, okay. There has to be a currency system that's gonna interface with, that's gonna be there for AI to to transact with or to utilize for its whole infrastructure, and then it's like, okay. Well, it's a no brainer. Like, it has to be cryptocurrencies. There's not really another solution that can scale in the way that it needs to and still be secure, you know, to power that AI digital economy, whether it's a decentralized version that's like me and and other companies are working on or or something that's more centralized.

JD Seraphine [00:24:07]:

Either way, you know, I think cryptocurrency has a role to play there. So I think we look at coins. What's funny is that we came to create the original brand going back 6 years ago. Its original coin was before we created the Rainmaker brand, coin was the first identity, brand identity we came up with. And it was that 2 AI, which also is in Rainmaker, that represents the economic value of that peer to peer connection. But NFT, is at the center of, like, what is the value of our interactions? You know? What is the value of NFT I train AI with or when AI is being trained with my data, what is it worth? Or when I make a contribution to a system, you know, what is the value of that contribution, and how do we measure that Kelley? And then how do we create a reward that's distributed in a scalable Janney? And I think everything we build is with that, you know, with that mindset. And so the coin token is meant to power that, you know, in a global and frictionless way, across the ecosystem.

Richard Carthon [00:25:00]:

I like that a lot, and it comes back on to being a true utility to everything that's going on within everything that you're building. And you brought up something that I wanna spend a little bit more time on is going back to the foundational value of like, you know, what is value and like how was that being shared in a lot of ways right now? Data, data is king. And so when you look at a lot of things in in in AI right now, it's large language models and it's it's it's a bunch of how do we get all of this data and information, and then AI how do we translate it into something useful that can make lives easier or etcetera. And with that has come like this, the challenge of how do we make this either compliant and safe, but then how do we also not stifle innovation and also pair this in a form that can move things forward. And so you kinda brought up how, you know, there's synergies between what's happening with AI and blockchain and then cryptocurrencies kind of tying those 2 together. But, one of the challenges NFT, that's what's happening right now, for example, ChatGbt faced, a lot of challenges in Europe regarding GDPR violations. So how is Rainmaker going about ensuring compliance with international data and protection regulations? And now for a quick word from our sponsor before we dive into the next segment. Are you ready to take your sports predictions to the next level? Look no further than main, the Janney management platform that's taking the blockchain world by storm.

Richard Carthon [00:26:29]:

With the main card, every card is a ticket to excitement. You can predict sport outcomes, trade cards in the marketplace, and challenge opponents in thrilling weekly duels. And don't wait. Head to main Carthon AI o now and start earning rewards with your NFTs because it pays to be early. And now back to today's episode.

JD Seraphine [00:26:48]:

Yeah. That was a lot there, buddy. I'm like, you know, look. The there's a lot of layers to what you said. And first off, we wanna make sure that the AI doesn't become like Skynet and just blow us all up. I wanna just put that AI out. But I'm a believer. NFT.

JD Seraphine [00:27:04]:

I think when it comes to AI now and also crypto and web 3, I've organically developed this perspective that I believe that it it has the potential to either empower humanity, which is what I'm working towards, and I think a lot of people are, or to enslave us. And I think that, my hope is that, you know, we make the right steps forward where this becomes, an Ethan tool to empower humanity and actually bring upon almost AI a new NFT, like, we haven't seen in many generations. And I think the potential is there for that, so everything we do is is NFT coming back to that, you know, making an impact, empowering humanity to create an evolutionary leap at this moment so that we can realize our potential as a species, which is, I believe, how we create a better world. And I know that seems like I'm gonna come back to, like, the GDPR because, like, everything we built on the network side in terms of DDID, it takes that, it takes that approach which is we need we need to know that this user or this node is trusted, but we don't necessarily need to have that PII of who that user is exposed in any way to to, to a nefarious actor or potential, you know, bad actor or third party. I think that's a lot of the GDPR is, like, not only like, hey. You can't just exploit people's data without either informing them or compensating them, and, b, you can't expose their data from a security standpoint, their PII in a way that, you know, obviously, that they can be, you know, they can be taken advantage of of that they can be a victim. Right? So I think what we've done in terms of, the network itself is we have a DDID technology that, that we've developed with our CTO called AI with 2 i's, of course, that actually looks at that and says, okay. The user AI, right now, if you're a node, you'll or you're if someone's, say, trying to participate in our test NFT validator airdrop, which is also live on the website, just throw in the plug out, you can go in and actually sign up, create you know, go through the steps, and what you'll see is, like, actually people who are willing to do KYC are actually rewarded more on our network.

JD Seraphine [00:28:57]:

Why? Well, we wanna know that you're a real I mean, everybody's being passing some base level. Like, we're checking to make sure you're not in North Korea or Iran or a sanctioned country because that's just the nature of the beast. We have to do that even though I may not wanna, you know, be prejudiced against those humans that live there because they're not the. We don't have a choice. Like, we have to be compliant. So all of the nodes in the network are doing that. When it comes to passing the KYC just to illustrate the GDPR part, there's actually once a user passes KYC, which we're using, you know, an institutional grade partner that's running that, you know, running that in the back end. The PII is not held by, you know, Rainmaker or by its infrastructure.

JD Seraphine [00:29:35]:

It's essentially destroyed. But what remains is a hash proof on chain that Richard passed KYC level 2 at this time of date. And that hash proof then can sit there on the network without any risk to the user. So the GDPR compliance is, like, beyond, you know, even the measure of what they're asking for. We're going even steps further in terms of the identity data. Now if we come to AI, it's a whole different animal. Because right AI, AI is just being the machine, the monster, these LLMs, and the things that are actually powering most of them, you know, the most powerful products. They're just being fed with all of our data.

JD Seraphine [00:30:07]:

Right? That's the lifeblood it's running on. And I think for us, part of what we're focused on, you know, in terms of our big UVP, both at the network level and on the Rainmaker application side is, how do we quantify the value of each user's contribution to training an AI model? Whether that's through actual human feedback. So in the Rainmaker app right now, users are training stable diffusion models by generating art with those models, doing data labeling, and then providing that feedback back to the model. So over time, ideally, it's getting smarter in terms of being able to generate, you know, more accurately what the user who's prompting it is attempting to generate. And so this is

Richard Carthon [00:30:45]:

AI I wanna stay there just for a second and and because we're gonna I want you to continue that thought because this is something that's really cool about Rainmaker. So, you know, and you're starting to elaborate on it, the AI generative art content creation, and you also have Sprint Quest play within the Rainmaker app. And so, you AI just spoke to it, but also, like, for people who are hearing this, that's it's like, oh, wow. That sounds really cool. Like, how do they participate and and and do that?

JD Seraphine [00:31:07]:

Yeah. I mean, essentially, anybody in the world with a connected smartphone can go to AI or Google Play, download the app, and start to and start to play with it. We'll have a new version we're launching in the next, I think, like, 1 to 2 weeks that I think is AI really leveled up, so I'm excited for that to get in people's hands. But, yeah, anybody can go either just train specific stable diffusion models. So there's 9 different models that we have live in the app right now that users can generate art with, and then they can also train those same models through data labeling. Now there's also a specific quest. So I mentioned one earlier, which is the one we launched today or last AI, where it's 25,000 Doge, that is in a pool. And so users that are generating art and labeling that art Carthon using it to train AI are essentially all competing for that pool of 25,000 those that's there now.

JD Seraphine [00:31:55]:

And each week, there's weekly quests that are launched to just gamify, that rainmaker community helping to evolve and advance the AI models that are, you know, part of the ecosystem. But I think what we're really looking at is the methodology for which we actually track each user's contribution to training AI, and I where we're going big picture, the stuff that I'm most excited about on the on the enterprise application side with some of these other, partnerships we haven't announced that are coming with, you know, partners that have millions of, you know, fans and customers in their ecosystem is how do we get more specific about the because, honestly, the quality of the AI model really back to the quality of the data that's training it. And if you're an enterprise, you have to know, okay, if I wanna model this train with data from my community, from my fans, you have to know the quality of that is a 100% sound. Because every input of data that's not that's that's that's of a lower quality, you're gonna degrade the model, and you're gonna degrade what the the output of that model Janney be. And that could be NFT a whole variety of things the models can be trained to to provide to a business. And so what is the value of each user's contribution to training AI is like a big question. Right? And I think that question and it also kinda comes back to what you're saying around data. Like, because data is the new oil.

JD Seraphine [00:33:12]:

Right? And that's something that's not new, that's not a new thought. That's AI a thought that's been, you know, kinda widely known in the business world for the last handful of years, but most of us are just getting a bunch of free products to use and our data is just being exploited by, you know, large centralized, you know, corporations. And, again, I don't. I'm not one of those people that's just, like, angry at them. It's like, look. They provide a product to use, you get a product to use, and you're giving the data up to use the product. Now you may not consciously know that, and it might have been there might have been some obfuscation about, you know, showing you that that was happening. But I think we're going into a world, and that's part of AI back to what is the purpose of web 3. The idea of web 3 is that users become owners.

JD Seraphine [00:33:50]:

Users become owners of data. They become owners of the value that they represent in the digital world. They're coming back to coin, and what we created that brand that brand identity is, like, what is our value in the world inherently? How do we build systems that understand that better and that can make sure that we're getting the proper distribution of value back to us? And I think that that ties into, in some way, at least NFT, your original question.

Richard Carthon [00:34:14]:

No. It does. I think it brings it all back together, which is how do we make sure that the data that's being shared and made on Rainmaker is safe and secure, but also and AI, but at the same time, the users who are helping to provide the data are also getting the use case back. And, again, I think what Rainmaker does really well is to make this whole ecosystem work synergistically and reward people for participating and helping train these datasets. And, I mean, for example, like the value of, like, just chat gbt, for example, if you are trying to go do something to have the free version, it can help like, you do inputs and you get data out but you're basically helping to train their model. So the value to you is you put in this thing, it gives you an answer. The value you get back is Janney, but you're not necessarily getting rewarded for helping to train the data. What's cool about what you guys are doing is that for every time that you're putting in those inputs and you're getting rewarded with whatever the outputs are, you're also getting rewarded for participating and helping to train these models.

Richard Carthon [00:35:16]:

And on top of that, you also can go do cool things like, you know, create arts and, eventually create other cool things and participate in games and do all these other cool activities, that help drive value, again, synergistically all the way around. So NFT, I think you did a good job of wrapping that all together. And for people listening, they're like AI. This sounds really cool. I know you got a lot of other really cool things coming out. Like, what does the rest of the road map kinda look like that you can share with everyone listening right now?

JD Seraphine [00:35:44]:

Yeah. And just to tie off on the AI generative art thing, it's funny because, like, I look at some of the art that the community creates, and it's just amazing, man. Like and that's that's the beauty of like, to me, like, I'm very hopeful about AI. AI mean, it's not all roses, and I think it's this definitely, like, the the landscape is is is is the water's a bit muddy still about all this innovation and where it's gonna Janney, but I NFT am very optimistic that it has a potential to of humanity in a way that we haven't seen in our lifetimes. And I think that's what we're always leaning into, like, how do we bring that about? Because obviously, we know that jobs are gonna get taken away and or that are gonna be eliminated, also jobs that people generally don't want. AI, I think as humans, we yearn to express, you know, our highest divine purpose or our highest divine spark that I believe we all carry inside our inside of us. And I'm NFT, like, religious. I'm definitely more spiritual than religious.

JD Seraphine [00:36:37]:

But to say that inside of us, I believe, lies this untapped potential, this gift that we're here to give the world. And I think that AI actually has a potential to help create a world where more of us are able to bring that forth and express it. I think, you know, that's ultimately, like, the big picture. The thing that I'm most passionate about, AI, and what's driving everything we're doing is guided by that inspiration, you know, by that purpose. And so AI and coming back to the road map, you know, adding more AI models for users to train inside of the Rainmaker app. So, again, to continue to iterate on, you know, how do we quantify the value that that each user is contributing to training AI, not just with stable diffusion and text image generation, but other, you know, other types of AI models, leveling up that deep end validator network and its capabilities. Not only for Rainmaker App, but I think, you know, looking at the way that we're going to roll that architecture out with other enterprise partners, We've got some cool ideas that are a little unique there that we're excited to to roll out in the next two quarters. The biggest thing that's coming, though, I'm kinda, like, dancing around the elephant in the room, is the token's gonna launch here, you know, in the next Kelley, like, 30 to 60 days.

JD Seraphine [00:37:44]:

I don't wanna say a day because we might know it, but we haven't announced it. So I wanna keep that till it's time to roll it out Kelley. But we just did our first AI sales, recently over the last week, 10 days on NFT. It sold out AI in 29 seconds. We've got other ones coming down the line, with some big partners. So I think for folks looking to get access or exposure to the token, you know, pre launch, there'll be opportunities here in the next, you know, call it, like, 2 to 4 weeks to jump into some other public sales. That'll roll right into the mainnet. So the mainnet of the network launch is coming here later this month, you know, going out of, which means that Testnet validator airdrop is gonna end.

JD Seraphine [00:38:23]:

So I think the snapshot for that is inbound. So for people who are listening that haven't gotten into that, they wanna get those test net airdrop tokens. Those are coming you know, that's coming to an end. There will be another bigger airdrop after we go main NFT, like, down the road later this year. But I wanted to just put that out for your listeners as well. So we'll launch mainnet, and then that will roll naturally into the token generation events and the launch of Coin token. AI, I mean, that's the big stuff that's right now, and then the enterprises that will be announced that are actually already building on the network that we'll be launching products on the network, you know, q 2, q 3, q 4. You know, we've got a whole, AI of NFT necessarily a large quantity of partners, but really, like, focused on high quality, you know, enterprises that, like, allow us to demonstrate what our network can do in terms of scalability and performance AI still enabling, like, a seamless, web 2 AI simple user experience.

Richard Carthon [00:39:19]:

So several exciting things. So everyone listening, I know you got a lot of really cool insights on what's going on, and, obviously, there's a lot more to come. And, JD, I've been excited to learn more about everything that you've been building with Rainmaker and coin and and everything Edge. But now I'm excited to learn a little bit more about you. So that we're actually gonna get into our next segment, edge quick hitters. Before we continue with this episode here's a quick glimpse into where our journey is headed next. Step into the future this April 23rd at Outer Edge Riyadh as we explore the next wave in web 3 AI and beyond with our co host, Animoca Brands, CAST, NEOM, and NFT partners. Experience

Richard Carthon [00:40:04]:

art, culture, and co creation while building bridges with the leading minds behind smart cities, gaming, and web 3, such as his royal highness Prince Basil and Yat Su, chairman of Animoca Brands, leaders of pioneering companies such as shrapnel and nukta, the 1st Saudi Arabian NFT marketplace will also be joining us. Don't just watch the future unfold. Be part of it. Join the fun with the elite in shaping tomorrow. See you at the outer edge of innovation by going to outer Edge dot live slash riyadh, r I y a d h. And now back to the show. Edge quick hitters are

Richard Carthon [00:40:40]:

a fun and quick way to get to know you a little better. There are 10 questions that we're looking for a short or single or few word response, but feel free to expand if you get the urge. Are you ready?

JD Seraphine [00:40:50]:

I'm ready.

Richard Carthon [00:40:51]:

Let's do it, man. So what is the first thing you remember purchasing in your life?

JD Seraphine [00:40:58]:

He is a Janney toy. Nice.

Richard Carthon [00:41:01]:

What is the first thing you remember selling in your life?

JD Seraphine [00:41:05]:

Actually, a lot of human toys, but I don't remember selling them. I remember giving away to an underprivileged, other kid like my age.

Richard Carthon [00:41:13]:

Yeah. I mean, obviously, from the jump, just get all these cool things I am able to share with others. Being able to provide that value back has been ingrained with you for a long time, so that does not surprise me. What is the most recent thing you purchased?

JD Seraphine [00:41:28]:

Most recent thing I purchased. What was it? I think it was like a t- shirt. It wasn't anything exciting.

Richard Carthon [00:41:36]:

Nice. And what is the most recent thing you've sold?

JD Seraphine [00:41:41]:

I think the most recent thing I sold was this amazing sounding meme coin on base that I just totally got destroyed on.

Richard Carthon [00:41:50]:

Yeah. It is a meme time right now, so not not not surprised by that. But, what would you consider your most prized possession?

JD Seraphine [00:42:01]:

You know, what's interesting is I wear a necklace that my mom made for me, And so I think this is my most prized possession.

Richard Carthon [00:42:11]:

That's a good one. So, of course, for everyone listening, if you come check us out over on YouTube, JD was kind enough to share the necklace and also share his swaggy hats. If you ever meet JD in person, you will always know that this man has some of the most swaggy hats you can ever see in your life. So, this is one of many. So for the next question, if you could buy anything in the world, digital, physical, service, experience that is currently for sale, what would it be?

JD Seraphine [00:42:37]:

Yeah. So, I could buy anything in the world. I think a cool ranch or compound, maybe for my family somewhere in the mountains, would be cool. If I had to say one thing right now. I mean, there's lots of cool stuff you could buy. I think my focus is more on building stuff right now and creating.

Richard Carthon [00:42:57]:

Yeah. But that's not a bad one, man. Like, a ransom for Janney. Land is always gonna be awesome and, you know, an escape and and have some cool stuff. So I like that. If you could pass on one of your personality traits to the next generation, what would it be?

JD Seraphine [00:43:13]:

I think it would have to be tenacity because I think that there's a certain amount of things that are coming that there's a bill coming due that humanity is gonna have to pay regardless of what we do. And I think the next generation is gonna need that tenacity, that wherewithal to face those challenges because, it's AI it's gonna feel hard, AI, people are gonna wanna give up, but I think we need that we need that tenacity to

Richard Carthon [00:43:38]:

keep fighting. Yeah. Agreed. Gotta keep it, and and, you know, things are gonna get more challenging, even though we're getting tools that make things a little bit easier, but we gotta keep finding ways to be resilient and tenacious and and and overcome them. So on the flip side of that, if you could eliminate one of your personality traits for the next generation, what would it be?

JD Seraphine [00:44:01]:

Part of being an entrepreneur, I think, is you have to be willing to endure a certain amount of suffering and stress that is almost, you know, almost unimaginable. And so I think that it would be nice for people to not feel the need to maybe suffer from NFT more than is necessary. Because I think for me, I've definitely been willing to sacrifice whatever we built. And so I think, hopefully, for the next generation, they won't have that same problem, they won't have that same problem.

Richard Carthon [00:44:32]:

Yeah. That's deep. That's a good one. Before joining us on the show, what did you do right before?

JD Seraphine [00:44:40]:

I was in, like, a road map tech call right before with some of our tech partners and team, so kinda boring. And drinking your coffee, of course, to stay Yes. Caffeinated and energized.

Richard Carthon [00:44:55]:

Absolutely. For the long days. And what will you be doing right after the show?

JD Seraphine [00:45:00]:

Right after the show, I'm gonna meet with some team here, and then maybe a little later today, go get a workout in, get some strength training done. For me, working out is, like, how I keep a baseline in terms of my mental, physical, spiritual well-being. So get in the gym and chase my demons away.

Richard Carthon [00:45:19]:

I gotcha. Yeah. It's interesting. I, you know, some people when they wake up in the morning, like, they need their coffee, and, like, they're like, alright. I can start my day. I can get things going for me. It's alright. Let me get this, let me get this workout real quick.

Richard Carthon [00:45:30]:

Let me level set and, like, alright. Cool. I can go attack the day. So I feel you on that one.

JD Seraphine [00:45:35]:

Yep, exactly.

Richard Carthon [00:45:37]:

So we always like to wrap it with a bonus question. And so for today's bonus question, you have been in the entertainment space for a very long time. What has been one of your most memorable moments in NFT, or what has been one of the best experiences with meeting a, quote, unquote, celebrity?

JD Seraphine [00:45:56]:

You know, what's interesting is AI is going to take this in a totally different direction. After we launched Rainmaker, we did that event that I mentioned, Global Field Day, that we actually produced a TV special that aired on Fox Sports on opening day of the football season a few years ago, and we had, like, Josh Richard, who's a huge TikTok influencer, some NFL players that are notable. But the coolest part of all that was from the money that we that we Kelley raised and put together, which also our company contributed, for that impact initiative. We donated 25,000 to an organization called World Youth Horizons, which actually used it to build an orphanage in rural Uganda for, like, 25 or 30 African children that were basically sleeping in, like, Hudson on the ground. So, like, to have to know that, like, we were able to actually make that kind of a direct impact was probably one of the best feelings I've ever had or at least had thus far in my life. Definitely cooler than any of the celebrities I've met or hung out with and nothing against NFT. But for me, like, there's nothing that touches that level of fulfillment when you feel like you've been able to touch someone else's life in that way. It's a special feeling.

Richard Carthon [00:47:07]:

NFT. Undoubtedly. And that's really awesome and, especially helping to create that. So kudos to y'all for getting that done. And, I know it's gonna leave a lasting impression on a lot of young people's AI. So, thanks for that. But as we wrap up here, NFT, like we always like to finalize with shout outs. So, you know, there's a lot of people helping to make Rainmaker the beast that it is and they don't necessarily get brought to the spotlight as much as they necessarily could.

Richard Carthon [00:47:38]:

So right now, this is your moment to highlight some of those people, and to just give some praise out.

JD Seraphine [00:47:45]:

Well, I mean, first, we got I gotta give you flowers, bro. Ever since we connected, you're one of those yeah. Sometimes you meet humans that just have a certain genuine, affect or nature, and, like, you're one of those people that you're super genuine and and, like, you I can feel, like, on a heart level that, you're a good you're a good AI. And that's and I say that, and I mean that, like, that's not I wouldn't give that out to everybody. And so first shout out is to you, man, and to you guys. We've loved, you know, collaborating with you. There's so many, honestly, partners that have that have are playing a role, not just that have, but that are playing a role. And, I've been just so blessed to be around a ton of people way smarter than me over the course of the last 6 years, you know, as we've navigated this journey and and, you know, done some things well and made a lot of the mistakes that, you know, startups make along the way, which is how we learn and how we pivot and grow.

JD Seraphine [00:48:38]:

AI I buy, honestly, there's so many of them. I almost don't wanna name anyone because I feel like I'd be, like, you know, just doing a disservice to everyone else. But the first one you always gotta shout out is mom. Right? If it wasn't for mom, and I brought the necklace NFT dad. Like, honestly, I was born with amazing parents. They've been, they've always been there for me. They've always believed in me regardless of whether or not, you know, the tides are the tides are in or out, things are good or bad. You know, mom and dad are always there to support.

JD Seraphine [00:49:04]:

I have amazing children. You know, lucky I have 3 beautiful children that are intelligent and humans that will go well beyond me, and that's a beautiful thing. And and so having, like, the right family and friends around me, first and foremost, has helped to keep me, grounded and helped to keep me strong in in the face of all the challenges that we've gone through, like, as we go through bull markets and bear markets and, you know, go after building through our second crypto winter, you know, it's really friends and family are the ones that, you know, at the foundational level keep us strong. But in terms of the industry, I mean, man, it's a wide list of partners, and it's and it's a growing list. It's like, I feel like we have an army behind us and and,

Richard Carthon [00:49:43]:

I'm super grateful. Absolutely. Well, I definitely appreciate it. It's been awesome getting to know you and just meeting and seeing all the amazing things that are going on. Yes. Foundationally, AI gotta have a good team behind you and it starts at home, so awesome that you have an awesome family. And, yeah, it takes a village with partners and team and everybody else. So, for all those out there, appreciate you joining us as always.

Richard Carthon [00:50:08]:

For people who wanna learn more, connect with you personally, JD, or learn more about everything going on with Rainmaker, how can they do that? A quick word from our sponsors who's ready to navigate the cutting edge of tomorrow's legal landscape. Because at Zuber Lawler, they're not just attorneys, they're visionaries. With expertise in emerging technologies AI AI, blockchain, and the metaverse, they're paving the way for you to seize the future. For mergers and acquisitions to IP, their selective team delivers strategic solutions tailored to the ever changing world of technology. Join us at Zuber Lawler, where the future meets the law at Back to the episode.

JD Seraphine [00:50:44]:

I mean, obvious stuff AI websites with 2 AI. And we're at rainmakerapponx. And, there's also, like, Telegram and Discord communities if you wanna get down in the weeds there. I'm on x as well if people I don't I don't always respond to DMs right now as much because it's just a little crazy. But, yeah, if you reach out, someone on the team can always surface something that's, you know, it's of high priority to me. But, yeah, those are the best places to find us. And then the app, like it's in the app store, people can jump on it and start mining their coin now. So when we launch, they've already got a nice little bag.

JD Seraphine [00:51:19]:

So yeah. Thanks, man, for having me, and it's, it's been a pleasure.

Richard Carthon [00:51:23]:

Absolutely. Well, we appreciate it. And everyone, we've reached the outer limit at the Edge of NFT for today, so thanks for exploring with us. We've got space for more adventures on the starship. So invite your friends and recruit some cool strangers that'll make this journey also much better. So how? If you're listening, go to Spotify or Itunes right now, rate us, say something awesome. Or if you're watching this on YouTube, which we've now jumped over 120,000 subscribers and other followers by hitting that subscribe button and passing this episode on to a friend or 2. Lastly, be sure to tune in to the next episode to get more web 3 content.

Richard Carthon [00:51:55]:

Thanks again for sharing this time with us today.

Outro [00:51:57]:

The views and opinions expressed on Edge of NFT reflect solely those views and opinions of the show hosts and its guests. Please make sure to do your own research. Our show is not financial advice. You understand that you are using any and all information available on or through this podcast at your own risk. Whenever making financial decisions, we recommend doing your own research and talking to your accountant for financial advice. From time to time, we may feature sponsored content on the show for which we receive value and we may share links for which we receive a commission if you make a purchase through one of those links. Refer to our website for our full disclaimer, terms and conditions, and privacy policy.

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